As Thanksgiving is fast upon us, I find myself busier and busier, trying to wrap things up nicely for my students before their break. This is making it very hard to take the time to slow down and appreciate what I have, to be thankful in the midst of this holiday season. My principal seemed to have picked up on this in many of us teachers. He created a shared Google Document for us to take a moment and record what we are thankful for. His request was that we all take the time to add to it. I have included what I wrote for that document:
I am thankful for my family, who support me even when we don’t see each other often, and for my friends. I am thankful that I am able to make the long drive to work and back safely each day. That I have a work environment that is fun and fulfilling with people who I truly enjoy spending all of my time around. I am thankful for Barb and Kelly, that they laugh with me and struggle through the stressful, rough days with me. I am thankful that God made my experience with melanoma a short one that was taken care of without harsh treatments. That I was able to go to work less than a month after my surgery. I am thankful for the gardens around my house and the flowers that start to mark the coming of spring. I am thankful for spring and fall days in the midst of the heat of summer and the freezing cold of winter. I am thankful for being able to spend summer mornings sitting on my back porch with a cup of coffee, a good book, and the cat and dogs curled up at my feet.
A Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to Everyone!
A Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to Everyone!